HBRS Volumes

I am on Twitter, and all over this app we see people helping people with research. It is a generous community, if you are following the right people — and I think I am.
It has occurred to me that I can also help some — perhaps: I inherited a number of Hudson’s Bay Record Society volumes that are of no use at all to me. But they might be useful to someone else, who cannot get into their library to access the volume itself.
Anytime I have seen an HBRS volume in a local bookstore, the price has been set at about $100. I think I can sell, and ship, my volumes for less than half that price, so if you are interested, make an offer that will at least cover the postage, packaging, and my time. (The post office is a good three blocks away, and I still have to check how much the postage will cost me).
Anyway, here are the volumes that I am ready to part with at the moment:
“Northern Quebec and Labrador Journals and Correspondence, 1819-35,” edited by G. Davies, M.A. HBRS Volume XXIV, 1963.
“Letters from Hudson Bay, 1703-40,” edited by K. G. Davies, M.A. (This might actually be quite an interesting read.) HBRS Volume XXV, 1965.
“Andrew Graham’s Observations on Hudson’s Bay, 1767-1791,” edited by Glyndwr Williams, PH.D. HBRS Volume XXVII, 1969.
“The Letters of Charles John Brydges, 1879-1882,” edited by Hartwell Bowsfield, PH.D. HBRS Volume XXXI, 1977.
“Hudson’s Bay Copy Booke of Letters, Commissions, Instructions Outward, 1688-1696,” edited by E. E. Rich, M.A. [Cover says: “Letters Outbound, 1688-96.] HBRS Volume XX, 1957. The pages aren’t even cut on this one!
“James Isham’s Observations on Hudson’s Bay, 1743, and Notes and Observations on a Book Entitled A Voyage to Hudsons Bay in the Dobbs Galley, 1749,” edited by E.E. Rich, HBRS Volume XII, 1949.
“Moose Fort Journal, 1783-85,” edited by E.E. Rich, M.A. HBRS Volume XVII, 1954.
“Copy Book of Letters Outward &c: Begins 29th May, 1680, Ends 5 July, 1687,” edited by E.E. Rich, M.A. HBRS Volume XI, 1948.
“Minutes of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1679-1684, First part, 1679-82,” edited by E.E. Rich, M.A. HBRS Volume VIII, 1945.
“Minutes of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1679-84, Second part, 1682-84,” edited by E.E. Rich, M.A. HBRS Volume IX, 1946.
“The History of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670-1870, Volume II: 1763-1870,” edited by E.E. Rich, M.A. [I don’t seem to have Volume I, but I might find it I guess.] HBRS Volume XXII, 1959.
I also have the three volumes of Peter Skene Ogden’s Snake Expedition. These are:
“Peter Skene Ogden’s Snake Country Journals, 1824-25 and 1825-26,” edited by E.E. Rich, M.A. HBRS Volume XIII, 1950.
“Peter Skene Ogden’s Snake Country Journal, 1826-27,” edited by K. G. Davies, M.A. HBRS Volume XXIII, 1961.
“Peter Skene Ogden’s Snake Country Journals, 1827-28 and 1828-29,” edited by Glyndwr Williams, PH.D. HBRS Volume XXVIII, 1971. THIS IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE.
And also:
“Cumberland House Journals and Inland Journal, 1775-82, First series, 1775-79,” edited by E.E. Rich, M.A. HBRS Volume XIV, 1951.
“Cumberland House Journals and Inland Journals, 1775-82, Second Series, 1779-82,” edited by E.E. Rich, M.A. HBRS Volume XV, 1952.
That is the list of books I have available at the moment — I have others as well. So if you are interested in these, or if you know others that might be interested in these volumes, contact me. Thanks a lot.
And keep safe.
Copyright, Nancy Marguerite Anderson, 2020. All rights reserved.
- Fort Colvile farm
- The York Factory River
He Marguerite: Do you have any books etc about James Murray Yale or Henry Newsham Peers? They are both ggg+grandfathers on my paternal grandmothers side. Her Mother was Maria Peers born in 1861. She was the daughter of Henry Peers and Eliza Yale. Eliza Yale was James Yales daughters born in 1829.
They are in the Fort Victoria Journals, which I have but am not ready to sell.Sorry. Wait till my brigades book gets published; they are both prominent characters in my mss.
Thank you for your quick reply. You are an amazing person. Thank you for all the hard work and effort you have put into ensuring the history isn’t lost… I love it, Sonya Rhodes