Fur trade genealogy

Montrose McGillivray was known as a flashy dresser. He had the best gun money could buy, and wore the finest clothes available. Again, he is one of the men who I had additional information on.
Fur trade genealogy is a very interesting subject, and I have quite a bit of information for some of the people whose Google searches turn up on my website. However, I cannot ever reach them to share the information — I only see that “someone” has searched.
This page will change as required as new searches come in. In that way those who have stumbled on my website in their search for someone I know a little about, can find this page on their second search — and contact me if they want to.
The Seton Family in Australia, and George Anderson Seton: I don’t think this is our family, but I can put you in touch with a Seton in Australia who might have your information. We have tried to connect our families for several years, and have been unsuccessful. Contact me through this website.
In similar cases, a second resource might be Ancestry. I have a large family tree on Ancestry.ca under the name of Anderson-Seton Family History Site, and another called Birnie-Beaulieu-Rondeau Family Tree. In fact, if you are descended from Josephine/Josephte Beaulieu (1810?-1890) and Joseph Louis Rondeau, 1797-1885, of St. Paul, Minnesota, you might want to look at the second tree.
Thomas McKay, furtrader: If he is the one who is West of the Rocky Mountains then go to Bruce Watson’s books, Lives Lived West of the Divide (at Lulu.com). I might have information about him as well. There were, however, many Thomas McKays.
If you think you are descended in some way from Chief Nicola N’kwala or from Tsilaxitsa, the Okanagan Native man about whom I have written, there is a large and active group of descendants that I can put you in touch with. Talk to me via this website and I will put you in touch. If you are descended from Blackeye the Similkameen, I want to talk to you.
So for Patrick Harrington, whose mother was descended from Philomene Michaud nee Rondeau of St. Paul, Minnesota, and whose family believes that Josephine Beaulieu (wife of Joseph Rondeau) was the daughter of “Francois “Old Man” Beaulieu, “Chief of the Yellowknife tribe,” whose sister was supposedly Charlotte Beaulieu (perhaps the one who married James Birnie) — I can put you in touch with family members who know a ton and have primary sources, but you have to leave me some way to contact you! An emial address, perhaps? #Frustration 😉 Also see the above note re: the Birnie-Beaulieu-Rondeau Family Tree.
More information will be added to this page as additional Google searches pop up on this website!
No copyright on this page….
- Blackeye, and Blackeye’s Son: Who are They?
- Fabulous Sam Black
I am interested in getting in touch with Patrick Harrington descended from Philomene Rondeau Michaud if you ever get an email address from him. “lonbellin@msn.com”